304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Innovative Jira Solutions

Enhance Team Collaboration with Our Jira Solutions

Our plugins transform how teams collaborate, unlocking the full potential of Atlassian products. By working closely with our clients, we develop custom plugins for the Atlassian marketplace, extending the functionality and use cases of Atlassian tools.

Jira Solutions

Color Workflow

Transform your user experience with Colorful workflow statuses and buttons.

Tinker for JSM

Public Customer Portal, Organization Associations, Customer Buttons, ReCAPTCHA, Analytics, Request Type Permissions

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Pageify - Automate pages from Jira

Auto Create and Streamline Confluence pages with automation powered by Jira Workflows

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Multi Project Custom field

Multi Project Picker field allows to reference multiple projects inside a Jira issue field.

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Avatari - User Avatar Initial Generator

Bring Your User Profiles to Life with Avatari - Instant, Colorful, and Fun Avatars

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Streamline Jira setup: Bulk upload projects, fields, and more with ease

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Custom Jira Apps Just for You

Can’t find the right Jira app? We build custom solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us to create the perfect app for your unique requirements!